Posts Tagged ‘poker odds’

Interview With Poker Calculator Creator & CEO (& How To Get Your Free Poker Calculator!)

23 x 12 = 276.  How did I know the answer to that?  I just popped it into my handy calculator and –POOF- out came the answer.  Now imagine being able to so the same thing but for your pocket cards in your next Texas Hold...

Review: Is MagicHoldem Poker Odds Calculator really magic?

When online poker first became popular, I played… and lost… and play again… and lost again.  I admit I wasn’t very good.   I mean, sure, I knew how to play as far as the basics go but I just never see...

Why Einstein Would’ve Made a Good Poker Player

Thanks to cheesy Hollywood movies, some people think that poker is all about mindgames: outwitting the opponents, making a cool bluff. Take the phrase “poker faced”: expressionless, unreadable. They get the impression that ...